Hello! Welcome to my site, “I Found a Stick”, where I, a photographer with zero skill and less sense, seeks out random pictures of sticks to post on the internet. Sometimes, the sticks will be photobombed by wildlife, such as birds and squirrels. Sometimes, the photographer (that’s me) will be distracted by bright, shiny objects and forget to take pictures of sticks.
Sometimes, the sticks will come in log format and “creatively rearranged” to be “somehow useful” to homo sapiens.
For example, during today’s stick-centric photoshoot, I went out in search of sticks and found an egret instead. The egret photobombed some “sticks in the making”, which I will show you at a later time.
Today’s stick comes with a pine cone companion, some grass, and… other stuff. I feel like this stick has a story to tell.
“It coulda been the whiskey, mighta been the gin…”
When I am not photographing sticks, I write novels. Today’s stick has been brought to you by this book.
There are probably no wild sticks to be found in this book, so click at your own risk.
But most definitely it was the rum. It knocked me over, but helped me find……my stick